

We reduce waste, nourish people, and boost bottom lines by gleaning excess and underused resources and transforming them into nutritious and profitable materials with our innovative technology.

GTF support sustainability

How Does GTF Promote Sustainability?

The RENU™ Drying & Milling System is the ideal solution to food waste.






Why Does Food Sustainability Matter?

3.3 Gigatons

Every year, over 33% of all food and almost 50% of all fruits and vegetables go to waste, emitting about 3.3 gigatons of methane and other greenhouse gasses yearly. These are key drivers of climate change.


What’s Being Done?


UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 aims to cut food waste and reduce food loss by 50% by 2030, a goal that the USDA has also adopted.

California’s goal is to cut organic waste in landfills by 75% by 2025.

How Can We Reduce Food Waste?

$52.9 Billion

The upcycled food market is currently worth $52.9 billion and growing. GTF helps companies monetize their side streams, creating upcycled powders from nutritious and valuable peels, pulp, pomace, and seeds that otherwise go to waste.